Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My my my ai ai WOO!

My Sharona - The Knack

I decided if I'm going to blog more (just one out of a hundred resolutions) I may as well start with a Cut of the Week, which I've sadly missed posting for, oh I dunno, a month and a half. 

It's not exactly a remix -- until I sing it on karaoke!  Oh yea!!  I heard it performed on Rock Band (the video game) a while back, and it's been my go to song on karaoke ever since.  And yes, I did gig to this loveable song at the fam bam's New Year's Eve shindig and scored 100%.  Woo hoo!  (Crushed it.)

My Sharona, The Knack's debut single, was written by the band's lead singer, Doug Fieger, who at the age of 25 met a real live 17 year old Sharona in a clothing store where she was working.  They dated for four years, and naturally she posed for the album cover.  Yowzah!

This has been your Cut of the Week by (ficky, ficky) Loft Remix.

K Bye!