Friday, December 14, 2012

Merry Vases and Happy Jars!

I survived my business trip and am sooo happy to be back!  After sifting through my plastic bins of Christmas stuff, I ended up not purchasing any new decorations like I thought I would but instead remixed what little I already have.

I didn't bother hanging any lights or lanterns this year.  Call me lazy, but I actually like the laid back look of the lights.

I love filling vases this year apparently.   
Lights, pine cones, ornaments...

I lit 30 candles inside mason jars on my 30th birthday and have kept the jars ever since.  They've come in handy for SO many things! 

It's so much fun finding non conventional ways to use things.  I especially love the feeling that lights give to a home, plus sugar cookie scented candles and my two boys to cuddle with while watching an episode of Glee = Cozy remix ;)  

Happy remixing!

K bye!