Thursday, January 17, 2013

I've been waiting for some Chucks like you

I come across a lot of personality disorders working with individuals with developmental disabilities.  Many are considered to be egosyntonic, which refers to behaviors, values, and feelings that fit their ego or self image.  It can be difficult to deal with, but sometimes it's straight up funny!

I work closely with a particular client, who we'll call Chuck :)  For months he was very stand offish with me, would always give me dirty looks, never wanted to work under my supervision or go on recreational outtings with me.  He'd question, in all seriousness and maybe even anger, why I'm an A's fan and not a Giants fan.  Then one day, he took off his enormous headphones, nodded his head towards me, and actually struck a convo with me.  It went like this:

Chuck:  "Ay, where you get your shoes at?"
Me:  "Umm.. heyyy, how ya doin, Chuck?  You can pretty much get Chuck Taylors anywhere.  I got mine at the mall."
Chuck:  "Oh forrealz?  I'm bout to cop me a pair when I get paid." 
Me:   "That's cool.  They go with everything, so yea.  Cool."

Not long after Chuck was messing around with the radio and stopped at a soft rock station.  He knew every word to this song:

Goes to show not everyone is too cool for Foreigner.  I think everyone, to some extent, acts in ways that's acceptable to the needs of their own egos.  Since then he hasn't dropped the too-cool-for-school act, but he completely changed his attitude towards me.  He could not wait to show me when he finally "copped" a pair of classic black Chucks followed by a pair of green ones he found "hecka cheap at Kohl's".  He even joined our fitness program and insisted on being in my group.  Just a small personal victory for the books.

This has been the Cut of the Week brought to you by (ficky, ficky) loft remix.

K bye!