Friday, January 11, 2013

Change is good, but keep loving what you love

My boyfriend made a good point over dinner tonight.  He said my loft is like an "unfinished project with no end goal".  I can't say it's not true.  I'm always moving stuff around to the point that it's different every time friends and family come over.  Now that I think about it I've never lived in one place for more than 3 years -- I not only accept change, I get antsy without it.

These are pics of my loft last year chosen to compete in Apartment Therapy's Small Cool 2012 Contest -- one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me!  While I have always loved interior design, I suppressed my interest in it believing that there was no point after having pursued careers in the military and mental health (not to mention my Filipino dad's disapproval).  Being a part of something like this gave me permission to keep loving what I love.  Naturally, I've made several.. ok a lot.. of changes since these pics were taken :)  Maybe I'll give the contest  another go this year.

Before I had the chance to over think and get offended by my boyfriend's comment (whatchu tryna say, fool?! Just kidding, love you!  LOL), he added that my loft is "always evolving and improving" (Nice save, Ryan).  Hopefully that will never change.

K Bye!