Monday, November 26, 2012

Hammer Time!! Gangnam Style!!

I had to.  I just had to.  As hard as it is to get back to work after a nice, tryptophan induced holiday, it's easy to smile at Hammer practicing for his AMA performance with K-Pop sensation, PSY.  For a man in his fifties.. wow.. he can still move, and PSY wasn't half bad himself.

Both artists have a special place in my heart, bringing me back to two memorably crazy but happy places in my life.  I still remember the Hammer pants that I copped in 5th grade at Tinker AFB's base exchange, being the only girl to have them in my multi-ethnic crew dubbed by my sister, "The Posse".  Fast forward fifteen years later where I spent the most life changing, culture-shockingly fun year long tour in Osan AB, South Korea only to come home to find that K-Pop was all the rage in the states.

I don't care what anyone says.  These guys are talented, and this mashup was dope.

This has been your Cut of the Week, brought to you by (ficky ficky) Loft Remix.  Have a good week!

K Bye!