Lord knows I have a lot to share today, but for starters... Ryan proposed, and of course, I said YES!! AAAAAGH!!
The past three days have been spent basking in this wonderful chapter in our lives together. I've so much happiness to express, but at the same time I'm sad because in 10 hours Ryan will be on a plane heading back to the states.
I really know how to put a damper on things, don't I? But that's my reality right now. As I lay here listening to him breathing, sound asleep next to me, my heart is heavy, but...
... the good news is:
Love endures ALL things |
Wait, I still have a wedding to plan before I start bustin' out Corinthians quotes, but I do take comfort in God's word during times like these. I hope anyone out there going through a deployment, a long distance relationship, or just feeling down will be comforted as well.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10. Before I open my Bible and/or have a convo with God, I make an effort to humble myself. I think about how seriously spoiled I am to be where I'm at. Alive and healthy. I could be in Afghanistan (where visitors NOT being allowed isn't the worst that could happen), but instead I'm in Europe. Respect to all my brothers and sisters in all branches who are out there going through things people back home can't even begin to imagine. It's an understatement when I say that they are answering the call. I am extremely thankful and humbled.
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27. Oh, how I love the book of Jeremiah. Side note for anytime you feel things aren't going right, or you're feeling hopeless about your future, maaaan, pop open Jeremiah. He'll set you straight, for sure! God has PLANS for you that you don't even realize. If He brought you to it, He will get you through it. Whether it be troubles with loneliness, finances, relationships, your job, your health or whatever you're going through, recognize that nothing is too hard with the Lord beside you.
And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. Luke 18:1 Ok, so I came to this one by our trusty friend, Google. I typed in "long distance relationship" (it's ok if you laugh at me for searching that, I did!), and this appeared on one of those inspirational images. It has always been my dream to backpack through Europe, but the true adventure is praising God in every circumstance. Think about it. However foreign your issues, however hard they are to understand, however costly... pray and never lose heart.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 Hope is the expectation of something desired. Humans rely on hope, and when things don't happen when we want them to we get butt hurt by the delay. But, when the desired thing finally happens, you feel revived. While your hope is "deferred" work on your "deference", which is submission and respect. Let the Lord do His thing, and you'll be fulfilled... in His time, in His way. Sometimes it seems unfair, but suck it up. You ain't the Father, haha, jk jk jk. But seriously, nothing is permanent. Hang in there! Tree of life, son!! ;)
I can tell I'm delirious because I'm getting all gangsta about The Word, but I'm just keepin' it 100. See, there I go again! Truth is, I am an Airman in the US Air Force, but I'm a soldier for Christ. He has fought beside me, and in turn I've been blessed beyond comprehension. Light years before Ryan proposed, I have experienced what I thought was complete hopelessness. Knowing God was like coming home, and it made all the strife worth it. So in a huge way, home is wherever you're at. How about one more? Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move
you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you
know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Had to end it with Corinthians cuz it's all about LOVE. Love is definitely in the air this weekend!! Ryan wasn't the only one planning a proposal... A big congrats to my future sister in law, Rosemarie, and her groom to be, JP! We truly have the most wonderful boyfriends... err... fiances :)
I think I'll try to get a couple hours of sleep before it's time to head to the airport. Sigh. Good night everyone.