Friday, September 20, 2013

SHORT HAIR, DON'T CARE! Tales of an offbeat bride...

Well, hello fellow life-remixers :)  Hope all is well on your side of the globe!  As for me, I've been enjoying the chilly, rainy weather here in Germany.  Makes for the perfect wedding planning weather -- snuggled up under Ryan's Big Bang Theory blanket that I gifted him and then stole for my deployment, sipping on herbal tea, exchanging ideas with my craftiest bff ever.

One thing I've found kind of iffy are the countless wedding checklists and unsolicited advice out there.  I'm not saying it hasn't been helpful; my eyes have definitely been opened to how much time, effort, and money (holy moly, A LOT of freakin' money) the average brides put into their special day.  While I'm thankful to have found some practical tips and creative aesthetics, I'm finding myself marking "N/A" (the nice way of saying "eff that!!!!") next to some of the items on the checklists instead of a check mark.

One of my absolute FAVORITE (insert sarcasm) pieces of advice was somewhere around the 6 month mark, it said something like this, "This is the time you should be thinking about what hairstyle you will wear on your big day!  If you have short hair, GROW IT OUT!  You'll be happy you did!"  Hmmm...
Or I can get these! 
Not that I don't think about it...  I often go through phases where I think I'll be able to do more things with long hair or would make me more, dare I say, feminine.  I'd say every other year I grow it out, only to end up chopping it again into a variety of kick ass hair cuts (yes, that was self-proclaimed kick assness).  In my defense, inquiring women contribute to my chopping addiction lol, flattering me with questions like, where I get my hair cut, how did I explain it to the stylist, what products I use, etc.  More often than not they follow with, "I've always wanted to do it, but I'm scared!"  Encouraging complete strangers to face their fear (even if it IS just hair) is just as empowering as consistently going under the shears.
Sooo many styles to try!  I've been experimenting more with my natural curls lately.  I usually straighten it, which isn't good for your hair, but I'm really digging the natural look.

This was last year, I think.  Picture this, but with the A-symm haircut I have right now. 
In my 32 years on Earth, I've had short hair more than I've had long hair, so I see no reason to be a different person on my wedding day.  And really, for you other brides out there, it's less about hair and more about just doing what will make you and your fiance happy.  Some very special friends have taught me that these past few weeks (thank you guys)!  Your wedding will be the most beautiful day of your life whether there's 300 guests or 30, if you have a ginormous cake or a cup cake tower, the best DJ or an Ipod on shuffle lol, oh and of course long hair or short hair.  Be the person your fiance asked to marry.  Be yourself!
Not how my fiance proposed, but I would have swooned just as much if he did haha!