Sunday, January 20, 2013

In living color

Yesterday, a group of our friends and I (go Team Rainbow Brite!!!!) did the Color Vibe in Vallejo, California.  By the end of the run we were beautiful masterpieces, covered from head to toe in dyed cornstarch.  Definitely the most fun 5k I've ever done.

After an interesting shower, we attended my niece's 12th birthday at Jump Highway -- a trampoline heaven  where Ryan dislocated two joints in his pinky finger after doing a back flip :(

Poor Ryan.  I'm just thankful his injury isn't keeping him from walking, like in 2011 when he fractured his right heel and then again in 2012 when he tore his left  Achilles tendon.  I can't begin to tell you how difficult those two years were for him (for us). 

Looking back I realize we passed a number of tests that have allowed us to mature and grow in our relationship.  Through the frustrations (and staying in a lot) we learned how to lighten up, found a love for Scrabble, started cooking together, got into Grey's Anatomy and Glee :)  He even bought a guitar.

Life is fickle.  Enjoy the colors.

K Bye!